Sunday 20 March 2016

Book Design (Te Ika a Maui)

Here is a very simple book created by a girl who sounds quite a bit younger than you guys. This is the sort of thing I want you to create for the re-write of How Maui Fished Up a Land.
I want you guys to Type in the words for your pages as well as doing a recording if thet is what you decide to do.
Your drawings will have lots more detail as well.

Ka Haku Au

Ka Haku Au (Waiata)

Ka Haku Au

Ka haku au, ka mokemoke
Mo te hunga pupuri korero
Ka tahuri ake kua kore
Otira kua mimiti te puna roimata

Ka kimikimi ko te hinengaro
Ka patai te ngakau kai hea ra
Nga reo karanga nga mau tioriori
Nga kuia, moko o te marua nei

Ka titiro whakarunga ki te rangi
Kia toro ake taku ringa
Meinga ka riro mai he whetu pirakorako
Hai arahi i ahau i taku rangahau

Mau ra e ta ahau e kawe
Ki nga Hine o tuawhakarere
Ahuone, Titama, Nui-te-po
Raumati, Takurua, Pukohurangi
Raumati, Takurua, Pukohurangi

Aroha Te Pou and Mereru Beale


E Rona e

Takoto ana au i to moenga
Tu ake au
titiro ki te ata rau
Kei runga ra
te marama e whiti ana
tera Rona
kei roto ra
Piri ki te taha
Piri ki te ngaio
Aue ra e Rona e
Aue Rona (e)
Waiata recalls the story of Rona who went to get water for her children and ended up being taken by the Moon who was not happy when she was rude to him after she tripped in the dark

Mo Wai te Hau

Mo wai te Hau?

      Ko te hau ora
      E rere nei
      Mo wai ra?
      Mo nga rakau, mo nga manu
      Te tangata, te kararehe.

      Ko te ra ora
      E whiti nei
      Mo wai ra?
      Mo nga rakau, mo nga manu
      Te tangata, te kararehe.

       Ko te waipuna
       E rere nei
       Mo wai ra?
       Mo nga rakau, mo nga manu
       Te tangata, te kararehe.

       Ko te rakau
       E tumai nei
       Mo wai ra?
(x2)Mo te taiao, mo nga manu 
       Te tangata, te kararehe.

Acrostic Poetry

Thursday 17 March 2016

Te Ika a Maui

Check out all the different versions of this story that are here on the class blog and in showbie. These will help you understand the story and help give you some creative ideas for your own re-written version of this awesome legend of Aotearoa.

Te Ika a Maui

Read this by your self or with a buddy. The different versions will help you understand the story so you can create your own cool version.

Wednesday 16 March 2016


Set One

1.   45 + 58
2.   67 + ___ = 121
3.   8001 - 7998
4.   26 + ___ = 52
5.   81 - 67
6.   456 + 144
7.   789 - 85
8.   ___ + 58 = 189
9.   33 + 809 + 67 + 91

Use Explain Everything to show your answers and your working out.
How you find the answer is more important than the answer itself.



Change Un-Known

1.   The farmer has twenty-eight cows. She buys more cows at the stock sale. Now she has thirty-three cows. How many cows did the farmer buy?

2.   26 + ___ = 31
3.   25 + ___ = 46


4.   320 + ___ =  345

Use Explain Everything to show how you thought through your answers. A lot of the time it is not the answer that is the most important part it is the thinking process used to find an answer.


Compatible Numbers

1.  Tina has six tomatoes, Miriama has two tomatoes, and Liam has three tomatoes. They use nine tomatoes for a salad. How many tomatoes are left?

2.   5 + 2 + 5 - 10 =
3.   7 + 8 + 2 - 9 =


4.   1 + 2 + 5 + 2 -7 - 3 =


1. Tina catches six fish, Miriama catches seven fish, and Liam catches four fish. How many do they catch altogether?

2.     3 + 5 + 5 + 7 =
3.     4 + 6 + 4 + 9 + 6 =


4.    40 + 50 + 70 + 60 + 30 =

Use Explain Everything and show your thinking. Draw arrows, circle numbers in different colours or any other way you can think of to solve the problems.


1. A class is growing beans from bean seeds. When they leave school on Monday, six seeds have sprouted. When they come to school on Tuesday morning, they find that eight seeds have sprouted altogether. How many seeds have sprouted overnight?

2.    7 + ___ = 9
3.    7 + ___ = 11


4.    43 + ___ = 45

Remember the strategy you can use is to count on.
Use explain everything and show either with a picture, number line or numbers how you worked out the answers.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Siphon Pump Experiment

 Another pump to build. Remember as always watching the instructions, thinking and organising how you are going to get the task completed are some of the key attitudes and ideas which will lead you to greater success.
How does it work? What is happening here?

Focus and concentration are going to be extra important when you using drills and hot glue guns.

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Dice Maths

Water Pump

Check this out!
This is what you are going to make.
When you have complete your pump and got it to work you will then be ready to answer his question at the end of his video.
Think about some of the things we already have found out about water and how it behaves.

Hydrogen Bonds

Here is some scientific information to back up the experiments that we have been thinking about.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Water; Cohesion and Adhesion

Here is a video about what we talked about on Monday. You will recognise some of the words used.