Tuesday 26 July 2016

Diorama Design

Here are the instructions in case you get stuck and need a reminder of how this diorama works.
Remember sketch lightly with pencil. Black pen around the edges hides the pencil and makes the colour really stand out.
Time, effort and perseverance are the key to completing a quality job.

Chilli Challenge 27/07/16

Monday 27/07/16

What are all the answers you can make to multiplication questions using the numbers 3,4 and 5 once each time?
e.g. 53 x 4 = 212

What might the missing numbers be? ___ ___ ➗ ___ = 3
There are six possibilities.

When the children in a class got into groups of four there was one child left over. How many children might there be in the class?
There are lots of possible answers to this one. Find at least 5.

When you post your thinking on Showbie give some explanation about the task and what you thought of it.

Sunday 24 July 2016

Level 4 Learning Goals

Level 3 Learning Goals

Level 2 Learning Goals

Level 1A Learning Goals

End of Year 6 (10-12 Yr reading age)

End of Year 4 (8.5 - 9.5 yr reading age)

Purple/Gold Level Learning Goals

Chilli Challenge 25/07/16

Monday 25/07/16

What might the missing numbers be? ___ ___ ➗  5 = ___ ___
There are 10 possibilities.

What might the missing numbers be? ___ x ___ = 36
How many different possibilities are there?

The chef has 24 pizzas on trays in the oven. There is the same amount of pizzas on each tray. What might this look like?
How many different possibilities are there?

When you post your thinking on Showbie give some explanation about the task and what you thought of it.

Wednesday 6 July 2016

High Wire

More balance ideas to think about. In your teams read and follow these instructions. Create the model and then answer the questions. (Book Creator, Pic Collage) will probably be the best apps to use to present your findings but I will leave that up to you to decide.

These are the activities in the book that you are going to focus on.

Sunday 3 July 2016

Maze Designing and Building

Found this cool web sight with a really clear set of guide lines to use.
Remember the task is to build a maze that will be a challenge for someone to balance their way through using a marble.


As a team you could decide to follow these instructions or you can just use them as a place to get ideas and be creative, come up with your own design from scratch.

Remember it is a good idea to make sure everyone in your team has a role/job to do. One of those jobs is to take photos or little video clips along the way so you can present the process of designing and building as well as having the finished product to test peoples balance skills with.

Your goal should be to make your maze look as tidy and professional as possible.
To achieve this you will need a plan to work to so you know where you are going.  You will be able to control the process better.
You may have to do some trials with the glue gun to see what will work best.

Looking forward to seeing what your teams come up with.
Remember communication is key when working with others. Listen, think and be willing to compromise.
This challenge is as much about learning to work successfully in teams as it is about creating a maze.

Have FUN!

Chilli Challenge 04/07

Monday 04/07/16

There are 3846 containers on a ship, and 1957 were unloaded onto the wharf. How many containers were left on the ship?
Write the equations and show the working out you do to get the answer.

Jack and Matiu have the same amount of money. Jack has $105 in the bank plus some in his pocket to put in the bank. Matiu has $103 in the bank and $43 in his pocket. How much has Jack got in his pocket?  Write the equations and show the working out you do to get the answer.

Ray has $54, and he gets $25 for a birthday present. How much money does Ray have now?
Write the equations and show the working out you do to get the answer.

When you post your thinking on Showbie give some explanation about the task and what you thought of it.