Monday 21 November 2016

Two Problem Tuesday

Team up Tuesday

Thinking of a Number

A quick brain teaser to get you started. It will be interesting to see what sort of strategy you come up with to solve this problem.
Read thoughtfully.
Use Explain Everything and write down your thinking so we can see how you found the number we are looking for.
I wonder if there is more than one way to solve this problem?

$100 Word Challenge

Each letter of the alphabet has a dollar value which is the same as it's place in the order of the alphabet. (A = $1, B = $2............ Z = $26)

Before you begin your thinking for this challenge, have a quick think and write down the names of two class mates.
Estimate quickly. The idea is to get the team of three with the highest value?

  1. What is your full name worth? ( Colin Isherwood = $169) 
  2. Find a hundred dollar word?
Show al your working out so we can check each others calculations and so we can share strategies for adding quickly and accurately.