Monday 19 June 2017


A series of videos to watch and learn about fractions. You might want to view these to gather information and learning to help with the problems I have set for you.
on a table in the middle of the room you will also find games and other resources to use to help you understand the concept of fractions.

Tuesday 13 June 2017

Hydraulic Fighting Robots (Challenge Time)

Here is the video to watch that shows you how to build a fighting robot.

All teams will start with the same basic parts but you can see that once the basic pivot column and arm are constructed each team then has to do some research and thinking.
You will need to decide what is the best base for your robot and how you want the fighting arm to work.
There are other videos and resources on the net that you can use to help you with your own design ideas.

Remember, good communication between team mates is one of the most important skills.