Sunday 19 November 2017

Creating Hologram Photo/Video

This is how you create the image, using Explain Everything that your projector will turn into a hologram.

How to create a holographic projector 2

Here is another way to create the pyramid shape you will need. Have a go at this one as well and then you will be able to decide which one is best for you.
Watch this tutorial video and have a go at drawing up, cutting out and then sticking together your own one.
We will do some learning with paper first and then when you understand the process I will give you a sheet of plastic.
We won't be using CD cases, we will use the same plastic sheets as the other projector tutorial.

How to make a holographic projector 1

Watch this tutorial video and have a go at drawing up, cutting out and then sticking together your own one.
We will do some learning with paper first and then when you understand the process I will give you a sheet of plastic.


Here is a movie scene from a time long, long ago.
Once scenes like this from the first Star Wars movie that came out were at the cutting edge of what was possible with special effects.
My how things have change.