Wednesday 29 June 2016

Labyrinth/Maze (Design and Build)

Team Task
Using a cardboard tray design and build a labyrinth/maze that you can roll a marble through as you balance the tray in your hands.

Here is one quick tutorial on how to draw a simple maze.

This is another way that you might decide to use to plan out your teams maze. I am sure there are other tutorials on You tube as well if you want to do some extra research.
I am also sure that there will be other ways that you can plan and visualise a maze to create in your tray.

1. Research ideas.
2. Plan (Draw) *Remember to think about the size of the tray that you have to work inside. It will also be a good idea to check that your maze will work before you start cutting straws and gluing.
3. Build remember the tray is going to be held in peoples hands and a marble is going to be moved through the maze so you will have to be accurate and tidy with your glue guns to keep the pathways clear of obstructions. (The marble needs to be able to move smoothly)

As a team make sure you have someone or one of your team taking photos during each stage so you can present your thinking.

*One of the biggest problems you will face is possibly making sure that your team stays together, and that everyone is mostly happy. This will be important for a successful outcome.

Chilli Challenge 30/06

Monday 30/06/16

Twice the product of 6 and 5 is three times as great as this number. What is the number?

What is the greatest 3-digit number whose digits total 13? Justify your answer.

A farmer built a fence around a square plot of ground. When he finished, he noted that there were five fence posts on each of the sides. How many posts are used to fence the plot?

Remember to show the thinking you used to solve the problem.

When you post your thinking on Showbie give some explanation about the task and what you thought of it.

Sunday 26 June 2016

Chilli Challenge 27/06

Monday 27/06/16

Bob's family of three is driving to Nashville. They were going to stay overnight, sightsee during the next day and return home in the evening. They had to pay for dinner, breakfast and lunch. They were to sleep at Grandma's house. Breakfast at McDonald's was $2.32 each. Lunch at K.F.C was $3.29 each. Dinner at Wendy's was $4.89 each.
Was $40 enough money to pay for their food?

Bike Barn on Taradale road has a number of bicycles and tricycles for sale.  Tama counted 60 wheels. How many bikes and how many trikes were for sale?
Show how you got your answers in more than one way.

Make up sentences with five words but no more than 20 letters.
Make as many as you can and see how close you can get to exactly 20 letters.

Remember to show the thinking you used to solve the problem.

When you post your thinking on Showbie give some explanation about the task and what you thought of it.

Sunday 19 June 2016

Chilli Challenge 20/06 and 21/06

Monday/Tuesday 20th/21st June

What might the missing numbers be?
__ __  ➗  5 = __ __
There are 10 possibilities.

2 __ + 3 __ = __ 0
Work out and record what all the missing numbers might be.
Explain the rule / pattern that you find once you have all the missing numbers.

Choose a number between 5 and 20. Write as many different subtractions as you can using that number. (For example if the number was 11 you could write
11 - 6 = 5, 15 - 11 = 4, 13 - 2 = 11)

Remember to show the thinking you used to solve the problem.
When you post your thinking on Showbie give some explanation about the task and what you thought of it.

Sunday 12 June 2016

Ears and Segways (Balance)

What do our ears and Segways have in common?

These are amazing machines that seem to do the impossible. 
You are going to have to do some research to answer the question above. 
Use diagrams, and pictures as well your summarising skills to create a one page explanation about what your ears and a Segway have in common.

Here are a couple of links that you can use to get your research started. 
You can do your own search as well if you want. You may well find better and easier to use information.

Chilli Challenge 13/06/16

Monday 13th June and 15th June

Five and six are consecutive numbers, and so are 13 and 14.
Which pairs of numbers consecutive numbers:
1. add up to 373?
2. multiply together to give 306?
3. give an answer of 1.1 when the larger is divided by the smaller?

The only keys that work on Pere's calculator are: 5, 2, +, - , = and on/c
a. find different ways that Pere could get 6 in the window.
b. How many different ways can he get 8 in the window with no more than seven         presses?

There are five vehicles in the car park. How many wheels might that be?
You may have to do some research and add some pictures as part of your answers to this problem. Write the number sentences for each example.

Remember to show the thinking you used to solve the problem.
When you post your thinking on Showbie give some explanation about the task and what you thought of it.

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Chilli Challenge 09/06/16

Thursday 9th June

Eighty-four children in four classes are arranged in teams with the same number in each team.
How many teams might there be and how many children might there be in each team?

Write as many number facts/sentences from this array as possible.

*    *    *    *    *    *
*    *    *    *    *    *
*    *    *    *    *    *
*    *    *    *    *    *

19 is the answer to some number sentences. You are allowed to add or subtract and use any of the digits to make number sentences that equal 19.
Write down as many as you can in the time you have.

Remember to show the thinking you used to solve the problem.
When you post your thinking on Showbie give some explanation about the task and what you thought of it.