Sunday 26 June 2016

Chilli Challenge 27/06

Monday 27/06/16

Bob's family of three is driving to Nashville. They were going to stay overnight, sightsee during the next day and return home in the evening. They had to pay for dinner, breakfast and lunch. They were to sleep at Grandma's house. Breakfast at McDonald's was $2.32 each. Lunch at K.F.C was $3.29 each. Dinner at Wendy's was $4.89 each.
Was $40 enough money to pay for their food?

Bike Barn on Taradale road has a number of bicycles and tricycles for sale.  Tama counted 60 wheels. How many bikes and how many trikes were for sale?
Show how you got your answers in more than one way.

Make up sentences with five words but no more than 20 letters.
Make as many as you can and see how close you can get to exactly 20 letters.

Remember to show the thinking you used to solve the problem.

When you post your thinking on Showbie give some explanation about the task and what you thought of it.

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