Wednesday 29 June 2016

Labyrinth/Maze (Design and Build)

Team Task
Using a cardboard tray design and build a labyrinth/maze that you can roll a marble through as you balance the tray in your hands.

Here is one quick tutorial on how to draw a simple maze.

This is another way that you might decide to use to plan out your teams maze. I am sure there are other tutorials on You tube as well if you want to do some extra research.
I am also sure that there will be other ways that you can plan and visualise a maze to create in your tray.

1. Research ideas.
2. Plan (Draw) *Remember to think about the size of the tray that you have to work inside. It will also be a good idea to check that your maze will work before you start cutting straws and gluing.
3. Build remember the tray is going to be held in peoples hands and a marble is going to be moved through the maze so you will have to be accurate and tidy with your glue guns to keep the pathways clear of obstructions. (The marble needs to be able to move smoothly)

As a team make sure you have someone or one of your team taking photos during each stage so you can present your thinking.

*One of the biggest problems you will face is possibly making sure that your team stays together, and that everyone is mostly happy. This will be important for a successful outcome.

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