Sunday 19 June 2016

Chilli Challenge 20/06 and 21/06

Monday/Tuesday 20th/21st June

What might the missing numbers be?
__ __  ➗  5 = __ __
There are 10 possibilities.

2 __ + 3 __ = __ 0
Work out and record what all the missing numbers might be.
Explain the rule / pattern that you find once you have all the missing numbers.

Choose a number between 5 and 20. Write as many different subtractions as you can using that number. (For example if the number was 11 you could write
11 - 6 = 5, 15 - 11 = 4, 13 - 2 = 11)

Remember to show the thinking you used to solve the problem.
When you post your thinking on Showbie give some explanation about the task and what you thought of it.

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