Monday 21 November 2016

Two Problem Tuesday

Team up Tuesday

Thinking of a Number

A quick brain teaser to get you started. It will be interesting to see what sort of strategy you come up with to solve this problem.
Read thoughtfully.
Use Explain Everything and write down your thinking so we can see how you found the number we are looking for.
I wonder if there is more than one way to solve this problem?

$100 Word Challenge

Each letter of the alphabet has a dollar value which is the same as it's place in the order of the alphabet. (A = $1, B = $2............ Z = $26)

Before you begin your thinking for this challenge, have a quick think and write down the names of two class mates.
Estimate quickly. The idea is to get the team of three with the highest value?

  1. What is your full name worth? ( Colin Isherwood = $169) 
  2. Find a hundred dollar word?
Show al your working out so we can check each others calculations and so we can share strategies for adding quickly and accurately.

Monday 31 October 2016

Circles (The most important shape?)

Wow! I thought a circle was just a 2D shape.
Watch and learn. 
Remember we work in millimetres, centimetres and metres not feet and inches.
Now I have some questions my self, time to do some thinking and learning.

Sunday 30 October 2016

Written Conversation

  1. Use one of these pictures. Make speech bubbles for them and write in what you think they might be saying.
  2. For the other picture write a little story based on what you think is happening in the picture and as part of that short story share a conversation that the two people might be having as part of that story.
Here is a link that might help you understand how this punctuation works.

Monday 24 October 2016

Descriptive Writing

Dividing a circle into equal sectors

Another drawing challenge. This one involves a bit of maths and we are then going to use this skill to build cogs to create a class machine.

Multiplying Decimals

A quick bit of research now that we have struggled with a problem and I find out that multiplying decimals is not as hard as we thought.

Monday 17 October 2016

How to make a Pantograph

Only visual instructions for this task. We will make it with thin card and then when we have sorted out all the problems and get it working successfully we will make it with thicker card.

How to use a Pentograph

Sunday 18 September 2016

Chili Challenge 19/9/16

Monday 19/09/16                                                                       Add/Sub Strategy Thinking

There are 330 children wanting to play rugby. Each team has 15 players. How many teams will there be?

There are 143 calves on the farm. 89 of the calves are in the shed. How many calves are not in the shed?

Janine has $49 in her piggy bank. She gets $27 for her birthday. How much money has Janine got now?

You have 12 lollipops for your party. A quarter of the lollipops are lemon. How many lemon lollipops are there?

When you post your thinking on Showbie give some explanation about the task and what you thought of it.

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Chili Challenge 14/9/16

Tuesday 14/09/16                                                                       Add/Sub Strategy Thinking

The ceiling is 2.3 metres high. The bookcase is 1.845 metres high. How high, in metres, is the space between the bookcase and the ceiling?

Mitchell had 231 toy cars in his collection. He sold 78 of them. How many cars did he have left?

There were 128 lambs in a field. Another 74 lambs joined them. How many lambs were there altogether?

Tui has $36. She needs $58 to buy a kitten. How much more does she need to save?

When you post your thinking on Showbie give some explanation about the task and what you thought of it.

Monday 12 September 2016

imotion (Tutorial)

Here is a short tutorial in how to use imotion to create an animation. Your task is to use a character and create a short animated movie with this character moving around.
You may want to build a set like in the tutorial or you might try to green screen your animation and find a scene to smash it into.
I am very interested to see what you can come up with this afternoon.

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Sunday 4 September 2016

Chili Challenge 5/9/16

Monday 05/09/16                                                                       Fractions Fun

Michael is collecting money for a local charity. He asks 200 people for a donation. Use the following facts to work out how much he collects.
1/2 of the people he approaches give him $50 each
1/4 of the people he approaches give him $25 each
30 of the people he approaches give him $20 each
The rest of the people give $10 each

Using proper fractions record some fraction additions where the answer will be more than 1. Also record some fraction additions where the answer will be less than 1.

One-third of the class order lunches from the canteen each day. How many students might be in the class and how many of them order lunches each day?

What do you know and what can you find out about 1/4? Record it on your explain everything or show it with materials.

When you post your thinking on Showbie give some explanation about the task and what you thought of it.

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Chili Challenge 31/8/16

Wednesday 31/08/16                                                                       Fractions Fun

The distance from Perth to Adelaide is approximately 2 692 km.
(a) How far is half way?
(b) How far is is a quarter of the way?
(c) How far is an eighth of the way?

1/2 = ?/? + ?/? +?/? What might the missing numbers be?

3/8 of a circle is coloured red. I cannot remember what colours the rest of the circle was. What might the circle look like?

How many different ways you can cut a square into quarters?
(draw all the possibilities and explain how you know that what you have drawn are quarters.)

When you post your thinking on Showbie give some explanation about the task and what you thought of it.

Sunday 28 August 2016

Chili Challenge 29/8/16

Monday 29/08/16                                                                       More Money Madness

How much will each person pay to share the cost equally?
7 children share the cost of a meal which totals $ 48.65.

At the start of the week, I have $3 275 in my bank account. I spend $290 on groceries at the supermarket and $85 on fuel for my car. On Wednesday I receive electricity and gas bills totalling $587 which I pay immediately. On Friday my pay of  $1872 is direct credited to my account.
(a) What is the balance of my bank account at the end of the week?
(b) If I also deposit my birthday money, which is $50 from Pop and $75 from Aunty what is my balance now?

I went to get $100 out of the bank. What are the different ways I can ask for this amount in notes?
(Take some time and find as many different ways to answer this problem as possible.)

I have two coins in one hand and one in the other hand. What could the coins be?
(Take some time and find as many different ways to answer this problem as possible.)

When you post your thinking on Showbie give some explanation about the task and what you thought of it.

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Everyone Challenge 25/8/16

Thursday 25/08/16                                                                                    Equal Treatment

Everyone Challenge

Copy and paste this into Explain everything and write on the sheet. Remember if you do any working out write it on your explain everything as well so I can see what you were trying to do.
Especially number 4, I will learn lots if I can see what you do to try and find the answers to these problems. Calculator would be the easiest option but that won't help you build your own addition and subtraction strategies.

When you post your thinking on Showbie give some explanation about the task and what you thought of it.

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Chili Challenge 24/8/16

Wednesday 24/08/16                                                                                    Money

1. Martin is taking part in a 15-kilometre walk for a local charity. He has been sponsored $35 for every kilometre he walks, how much money will he raise?

2. A three pair pack of socks costs $11.50. If I am buying 12 pairs of socks, how much money will I spend?

(Show your working out. Write out the method/strategy you used to find your answer)

You are spending five nights away. You have won $500 for accommodation. Where could you stay?

Top Class Hotel  $300 per night               ( One option is obvious.
4 Star Hotel         $225 per night                 Work out as many different
3 Star Hotel         $100 per night                  options as possible)
2 Star Hotel         $60 per night
Backpackers        $25 per night

In my pocket money I have $36. What notes and coins might I have?
Find as many different ways as possible.

The price tag on a toy is $2.75. What coins could I use to pay for this?
Find as many different ways as possible.

When you post your thinking on Showbie give some explanation about the task and what you thought of it.

Sunday 21 August 2016

Four Chili Challenge 22/8/16

Monday 22/08/16                                                                                    Place Value Pondering

Four Chili Challenge 22/8/16

hursday 18/08/16                                                                                    Place Value Pondering

Truly Equal
You will find this on the Class Blog on it's own page.
(A bit different today. I want everyone to have a go at this challenge. It will let you know if you are really starting to understand place value with numbers up in the hundreds of thousands.)

Our flight was approximately 2000 km long. What might the actual distance be?
(Find the entire range of possible answers for this problem)

A number has been rounded off to 1200. What might the number be?
(Clue: There are two sets of possibilities for the answer to this problem)

What numbers can be rounded off to 20?
(There are eight possibilities)

When you post your thinking on Showbie give some explanation about the task and what you thought of it.

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Chili Challenge 1/08/16

Thursday 18/08/16                                                                                    Place Value Pondering

Jumping to Victory
You will find this on the Class Blog on it's own page.
(You will have to do some thinking about how you are going to show your thinking for this one. Remember it is not just the answers we are looking for. We can learn lots from the different processes that people use to solve problems.)

Write a number larger than one million. Write a number larger than ten million.
Explain how you know the first number is larger than a million and the second is larger than ten million.

A number has been rounded off to 1200. What might that number be?
( There is a range of numbers and two different place values to consider when rounding this number. Find both sets of numbers)

I wrote a number down with one zero in it, but I cannot remember what it was. I know it was between 500 and 800. What might it have been?
(Find all the possible answers. How will you know you have found them all?)

When you post your thinking on Showbie give some explanation about the task and what you thought of it.