Tuesday 23 August 2016

Chili Challenge 24/8/16

Wednesday 24/08/16                                                                                    Money

1. Martin is taking part in a 15-kilometre walk for a local charity. He has been sponsored $35 for every kilometre he walks, how much money will he raise?

2. A three pair pack of socks costs $11.50. If I am buying 12 pairs of socks, how much money will I spend?

(Show your working out. Write out the method/strategy you used to find your answer)

You are spending five nights away. You have won $500 for accommodation. Where could you stay?

Top Class Hotel  $300 per night               ( One option is obvious.
4 Star Hotel         $225 per night                 Work out as many different
3 Star Hotel         $100 per night                  options as possible)
2 Star Hotel         $60 per night
Backpackers        $25 per night

In my pocket money I have $36. What notes and coins might I have?
Find as many different ways as possible.

The price tag on a toy is $2.75. What coins could I use to pay for this?
Find as many different ways as possible.

When you post your thinking on Showbie give some explanation about the task and what you thought of it.

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