Tuesday 30 August 2016

Chili Challenge 31/8/16

Wednesday 31/08/16                                                                       Fractions Fun

The distance from Perth to Adelaide is approximately 2 692 km.
(a) How far is half way?
(b) How far is is a quarter of the way?
(c) How far is an eighth of the way?

1/2 = ?/? + ?/? +?/? What might the missing numbers be?

3/8 of a circle is coloured red. I cannot remember what colours the rest of the circle was. What might the circle look like?

How many different ways you can cut a square into quarters?
(draw all the possibilities and explain how you know that what you have drawn are quarters.)

When you post your thinking on Showbie give some explanation about the task and what you thought of it.

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