Wednesday 17 August 2016

Chili Challenge 1/08/16

Thursday 18/08/16                                                                                    Place Value Pondering

Jumping to Victory
You will find this on the Class Blog on it's own page.
(You will have to do some thinking about how you are going to show your thinking for this one. Remember it is not just the answers we are looking for. We can learn lots from the different processes that people use to solve problems.)

Write a number larger than one million. Write a number larger than ten million.
Explain how you know the first number is larger than a million and the second is larger than ten million.

A number has been rounded off to 1200. What might that number be?
( There is a range of numbers and two different place values to consider when rounding this number. Find both sets of numbers)

I wrote a number down with one zero in it, but I cannot remember what it was. I know it was between 500 and 800. What might it have been?
(Find all the possible answers. How will you know you have found them all?)

When you post your thinking on Showbie give some explanation about the task and what you thought of it.

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