Sunday 28 August 2016

Chili Challenge 29/8/16

Monday 29/08/16                                                                       More Money Madness

How much will each person pay to share the cost equally?
7 children share the cost of a meal which totals $ 48.65.

At the start of the week, I have $3 275 in my bank account. I spend $290 on groceries at the supermarket and $85 on fuel for my car. On Wednesday I receive electricity and gas bills totalling $587 which I pay immediately. On Friday my pay of  $1872 is direct credited to my account.
(a) What is the balance of my bank account at the end of the week?
(b) If I also deposit my birthday money, which is $50 from Pop and $75 from Aunty what is my balance now?

I went to get $100 out of the bank. What are the different ways I can ask for this amount in notes?
(Take some time and find as many different ways to answer this problem as possible.)

I have two coins in one hand and one in the other hand. What could the coins be?
(Take some time and find as many different ways to answer this problem as possible.)

When you post your thinking on Showbie give some explanation about the task and what you thought of it.

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