Sunday 21 August 2016

Four Chili Challenge 22/8/16

hursday 18/08/16                                                                                    Place Value Pondering

Truly Equal
You will find this on the Class Blog on it's own page.
(A bit different today. I want everyone to have a go at this challenge. It will let you know if you are really starting to understand place value with numbers up in the hundreds of thousands.)

Our flight was approximately 2000 km long. What might the actual distance be?
(Find the entire range of possible answers for this problem)

A number has been rounded off to 1200. What might the number be?
(Clue: There are two sets of possibilities for the answer to this problem)

What numbers can be rounded off to 20?
(There are eight possibilities)

When you post your thinking on Showbie give some explanation about the task and what you thought of it.

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